New user and so confused

Just signed-on as a new user yesterday. Loaded 3 months of Strava activities from Zwift and I am so confused about many things.

  1. The power numbers such as Threshold, Critical power, 3 min power, 4 min power, 5 min power etc are much higher than any PB I ever made. Where does these numbers come from? Due to this all workouts are going to be too hard. Zwift/Strava/Intervals at least agree on my PB/Max values. My best ever 3min power is 337w but Xert says it is 375w. How am I supposed to handle workouts based on that crazy number?
  2. I cycle around 10-11 hours a week and Xert says I am in a huge deficit and need to ramp up intensity and/or load, at the same time saying I am in red but still recommend high intense workout. I am on XATA-contineous, to improve 3min power, using moderate-2.

According to Intervals I have fitness 88, but according to Xert, I am huge deficit or overtrained or what?

Or should I better not try to understand what’s going on and just do the workout that Xert recommends? Xert tells me to put in at least 13.4 hours this week :rofl:

Continuous ATP is similar to Build phase. Recommended HIT workouts (when form is fresh/blue) will be in and around your selected Focus Power type with increasing TL over time based on ramp rate you control…
Change IR (Improvement Rate) to Moderate-1 and watch what changes on the Training page.
You can change IR at any time and should over time.

Don’t hesitate to experiment including XFAI forecasts while you learn how Xert works. You can always change things back and/or adjust the program to meet your requirements. That includes the option to adjust signature values but no need to go there yet. :wink:

Xert’s Power Curve is not built strictly on MMP data points.
See: Is PP a theoretical number? - General - Xert Community Forum
There are three Power Duration curves shown for every activity. Select activity details, Power Duration tab, and note MMP and Signature curves for the activity plus Current Signature.

There is never a single “the workout” for the day but a group of suitable options to choose from ranging from indoor selections to outdoors plus the ability to free ride to target focus type.
Based on that advice one of your indoor options is likely SMART - Highway Star. Try that one and let us know how it went.

How much of the Academy series videos have you watched so far?
What is your status stars count?

While some content is outdated you should find my newbie tips of value – Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum

Welcome aboard. :smiley:

Thank you! I will start to look at the Academy videos. Much to digest. Thought AI would make my life simpler :wink:

Is this the stars you asked about?
xert 250217-2

If I download from Strava, I also get gymwork and running into Xert. Will it mess up my cycling stats? Such as overall/average traing time, xss, etc. Is it better if I delete all my gym and run activities if I want the data focused on my cycling? or is it better to keep them?

Okay to add other activities as long as they don’t include power data to be analyzed which can skew your cycling profile. For example, if Stryd power is included you should set up a separate profile under your account name in upper right and sync running activities to that profile instead.
Xert supports up to three profiles which can be viewed together on the Planner or one at a time by switching between profiles.


Thank you. But I guess in this activity overview, the time spent running and gym will be added, so the number will no longer reflect my cycling only. So I better delete all that is non-cycling to get more clean data.