About cadence and resistance

Hi there, I’m a newbie.
I downloaded ZWO files and run workouts on Zwift. But it showed no specific cadence of each interval. I saw someone said (Xert users group, Facebook) that must use the Xert remote player, and it will show on the screen. But I didn’t see anything.
Xert remote player runs with Zwift. But always delayed after 2 or 3 intervals. Then, it seems to argue about control with Zwift (Xert remote player mode:auto), Ramp up or ramp down always gap and gap, not so smooth.
My questions:

  1. Where can I see specific cadence
  2. Should I “must” use Xert remote player when Zwifting?
  3. What’s the correct mode setting when Zwifting: off, resistance, ERG, slope, auto?
  4. After syncing, one workout becomes two activities (Xert and strava). Should I delete one? If I keep both, will it affects next recommend workout?

You want to run the Xert iOS or Android app to fully benefit from Xert workouts especially those labeled SMART.
You want trainer control enabled in Xert, not Zwift. Here are the setup details/options:

There can be a lag in the Remote Player depending on your Wi-Fi connection.
If issue persists I suggest watching the app on your phone instead.

There are no specific cadence values assigned to intervals, but XM (Xert Mobile) includes CO (cadence optimizer) that suggests a range based on torque.
CO is also shown in the upper right of the Remote Player, but if you have lag issues you should watch your phone.
CO learns your natural cadence pattern over time and everyone has a sweet spot at various watts depending on their abilities.
On the Android app you would swipe right and switch to the Activity screen to view CO during an indoor workout. I am not sure about iOS screens.
Keep in mind you can perform cadence drills on your own depending on the intervals. It’s normal to spin up to hit high watt targets but you can also practice high/low cadence when intervals are in the lower watt range such as during endurance workouts.
Whether a higher spin is beneficial to you depends on your goals and athlete type and natural cadence. Cadence can be trained but only to a certain point.
For example, a breakaway specialist and road sprinter would benefit from spin-up skills while a TT rider might be a masher at lower cadence and see little benefit to exceeding that range.

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