Totally new. First couple of days in. Bit of an adjustment from a structured plan.
I’ve left it set to Rouleur. My FTP looks about right. I’ve imported years of garmin data.
I lift weights as well and haven’t figured out how to work the freshness feedback to reflect fatigue from those workouts yet.
After a couple of days of doing the suggested workouts of some relatively short, but intense HIITs…usually going from interval of Zone 4/5 to recovery in sweet spot (upper 2 / lower 3) I finished last night with an XSS surplus and “very tired” status.
Woke up to the same this morning. Xert Recommendation: take a rest day, dude. Garmin DSW is also telling me “you need a rest day”.
Then, one hour later happened to look…Now I’m running a 128 XSS deficit. Training status fresh, Xert Recommendation: Activity generating 187 XSS (which is like 2h of HIITs)
I understand it’s a suggestion, you have to listen to your body, etc. I’m doing something light if at all today. But this seems a bit off to swing from “your burnt, take a day” to “time to bring it” within a span of an hour.
From what I can tell, the Freshness feedback doesn’t seem to have any effect on Training Status or the recommendations. -10 or +10 produce the same deficits, status, and recommendations.
What is your status stars count?
Post your Training page screenshot so we can see full description and Training Pacer.
Form is changing hour to hour which is represented as a gradient line on the Planner.
It is not uncommon for calculated form to move from red (v. tired) to blue (fresh) within hours.
It depends on the dosage of low/high/peak strain from the completed activity and your current status stars count (TL).
The higher your TL the faster you recover especially if a HIT workout is short.
With sufficient strain the recovery pattern will be red (v. tired) to yellow (tired) to blue (fresh) and finally to green (v. fresh) if additional rest occurs before the next actiivity.
The FF slider only affects the suggested list at the time. For example, today my calculated form (at this time) is fresh but I’m not up for a HIT workout. I can slide towards left (red) and the list should show easier workouts. Try slamming the slder to the left if you aren’t seeing that.
The swing in XSS deficit/surplus is a combination of how it’s caculated (moving weighted average over a rolling 7-day window) and how XATA considers your weekly pattern (what you usually ride on this day of the week). Sounds confusing until you get used to how it works. Then the goal becomes keeping the Training Pacer needle within the 11am-1pm position to maintain the improvement rate you’ve set (which you can change at any time).
Ok, yeah. So Sunday is usually my long ride day. So, like 5+ hours. But I was doing workouts in about an 80/20 split with 80% in z1/2 and 1 day of threshold or intervals.
This has been more interval heavy and it was my first week back hitting weights after holiday so was pretty sore. (just some context, otherwise I’d probably be spinning on the bike today).
Seems to line up with your description and the freshness slider does have that effect (easier proposed rides). I’m actually feeling fresher as the day goes on, might get a weight set in and a short interval session.