using interval mode outside

Continuing the discussion from Shout out fro the Buckets feature:

Hello Armando.

Does the interval mode work only with structured workouts? Indoor? I only ride outside and have been using the XERT DASHBOARD to monitor my low/high/peak efforts. I would love to use the Magic Buckets Interval screen for the suggested efforts on my training program, even if they are outside. How can I do that? Yesterday a programed a tough ride with lots of HIE and PEAK energy for today (which was supposed to be a rest day) but the screen on my garmin edge 1040 was the endurance mode.

Thank you for your time

You can absolutely use the Magic Bucket data field outside. That is really the idea. You just start riding and warm up. Once you are in a position to do an interval (e.g. at a hill or at least not stuck in traffic) you aim for the power target on the screen and do that as long as you can. After some rest you just repeat. And finally do the remaining endurance work.

Just make sure to select a route that roughly matches the Xlss target (not too log or short).


Magic Buckets should display whichever screen (Magic Intervals or Magic Endurance) is appropriate to match Today’s advice (HIT or LIT).
If a workout is scheduled today on the Planner or selected on the Training page, that is the low/high/peak values MB will sync with along with a Focus Power target (example, Mixed Breakaway Specialist).
If you have an XFAI forecast plan make sure to select Choose Training to assign the workout/activity you want to ride, not [+] Add.

EDIT: This doesn’t mean you have to Choose a workout on the Planner or select a workout on the Training page for MB to work. If you don’t have a workout assigned on the day MB will sync to the general advice for that day. For example, Polar Rouleur (6-minute power), XSS: 115 (106 | 7.3 | 1.9) or Pure Endurance (LTP), XSS: 82 (82 | 0 | 0)


Hans Peter, hi.

During a ride with a programmed interval workout, the MB screen switches from the interval interface to the endurance interface. Back and forth several times. It happens when I do an extended “recovery”(due to a downhill on the route or if I stop pedaling.
I also have a request. Maybe adding a START button to the interval interface because sometimes the chosen road to do the workout is 10 to 15 km away from home and there are small steep climbs that äctivate"the workout prematurely. Thank you for your time.

Sorry, but I am not the author of the Magic Bucket datafield or an employee of Xert. I have not seen this myself. Maybe you take a picture of the screen showing which screns it alternates between.

For High Intensity days it will alternate between work intervals and rest intervals. But the userinterface is the same, it only shows different power targets etc. Once you have completed the required Xhss and Xpss you will be asked to maintain a certain wattage for the rest of the ride to complete the Xlss.

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