Upcoming B races and planner

Morning all,

Hope you are all having a great day

I have my xert plan scheduled for my A race in couple of months. However between now and then I have a couple of B races. How is the best way to put these on the planner, so the prescribed workouts can be modified?

Obviously the XSS isn’t known in advance, but will be XCO so 1.5 hrs at a high intensity.
Would the solution be to place a similar workout on the calendar weeks in advance? or are there any better ways to manipulate future XSS.

Any advice or help much appreciated.

Hi Stuart, great question!

If you’ve analyzed your previous XCO MTB races with Xert, you can select one of those races as a placeholder on your calendar, ‘Pin’ it, and then adapt your forecast around the race. This way, Xert will arrange your training to ensure you’re in a fresh status (blue stars) when the race begins.

If you haven’t analyzed past races with Xert, you can manually set the Focus, Specificity, and XSS using the ‘Manual’ toggle when selecting training for the placeholder.

For detailed steps, check out this thread: How to Adjust Forecast Around Preferred Workout Activities.

Hope this helps!


Brilliant Scott, thank you.

Hi Scott,

Further help needed with this please.
I have completed the above steps, however when I revisit the planner or refresh the screen it has reverted back to the original plan. Any help with getting the planner to retain the information.


Think I have sorted it, hadn’t pinned the event.

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As an experiment I ran the Forecast AI Beta Setup Guide and selected MTB-XC, Hilly, 1.5hr.
The estimated profile is Mixed GC Specialist 105 XSS which is Moderate Difficulty level (70 XSS/hour).
Assuming XCO laps are more hammer fest bumping up to 90-100 XSS/hr would be 135-150 XSS.
Next I searched the Workouts Library for a Mixed GC Specialist entry with 3 to 4 diamond Difficulty. This one looks promising. YMMV

Glad you sorted this out - but yes, for clarification only pinned and planned activities (such as commutes) will be retained after adapting your forecast.