Training Schedule Changes

I have been using an AI program to work towards a goal. I have been able to adjust my availability, but how can I change a workout schedule, for example currently I have been assigned high intensity workouts scheduled for Wednesday and Friday with an endurance day on Thursday. Due to other demands, how can I move the planned workout from Friday to Thursday, and the Thursday endurance ride to Friday? The time availability is the same, it’s just the intensity I want to change.

I would like to “drag and drop” key workouts and then let the AI adjust around that but that doesn’t seem possible.

In addition, I want to add in planned rides, such as chaingangs etc, however how to I know the estimated XSS to put these into the planner too?

Drag and drop will be difficult to support with XFAI since it would alter the structure of the forecast.
It is not as simple as the same time slot being available.
What you can do is Choose something different on designated days, pin those selections, then adapt the forecast around those choices.

HOW TO: Adjust Forecast Around Preferred Workout/Activities - How To - Xert Community Forum

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Thank you, that’s really helpful