I have been experimenting some more and here are my observations.
Some Breakthrough Efforts (BTEs) look reasonable to attain. Others seem pie-in-the-sky at first glance.
However, I notice the ones that look reasonable are those where I remember trying for a PR and got one. But I certainly didn’t go all out on the segment and attempt a BT. So yes, room for improvement if I want to go there with my current signature and potentially bump it up.
If I look at the unreasonable ones, I was noodling some portion which explains the large gap between predicted time for a BTE. But they also aren’t segments I’d be interested in trying to do that. I am more recreational enthusiast than someone chasing PRs or leaderboards on rides. That would be wreckreational for me.
I think this is a very cool feature for those who do like to chase PR’s and KOM/QOM leaderboards.
As to whether it’s fun to do, that’s debatable.