New Advanced Activity Analytics Features

I also like it and will be great once these hopefully minor bugs are sorted

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That is crazy.

Well support are looking into it and still think it will be cool when fixed, so am not too fussed. Hopefully not too complicated

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I can’t really see me using it as strava segment chasing has zero interest to me.

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Am nowhere near any KOM but do like to set a PB. I don’t race and it’s a bit more real world than just the signature. Good to challenge friends too :wink: Unfortunately not in quite as good shape as before so don’t see many coming anytime soon.

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I’m maybe an outlier but neither myself or any of the people I cycle with are bothered at all about racing, segments, pbs etc. We’re all just out to enjoy our riding and enjoy the sociable side of it.

I only use xert for indoor workouts on the smart trainer over the winter months.

It’s probably not ideal for me as I obviously only use a fraction of it.

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It’ll improve as we get more feedback and address issues we encounter. What we are also trying to work into it is the effect of group rides, traffic signs/lights, coasting and wind conditions from your existing effort. It’s easy to say “just ride at 293W” but that not actually what it’s suggesting or trying to optimize. Hence, a bit more work to perfect but a lot more useful than simple fixed power math.

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Xert has something for everyone.

Will it be applicable for off-road riding / mountainbiking at some point? I love hunting for segments, it‘s the best intervall training you can get outside. :wink:

I would think the method we use would be applicable to mountain biking but we’d be looking for feedback on this from our users on how well it works for them.

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OK, XATA tells me to chill until next week Monday, then I‘ll give it a go. :+1:

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I suspect the wind will have a significant factor in any of these calculations. What are the chances you could add wind into the calculation? Where I live there is always a wind factor. Allowing us to add a certain wind speed/direction on a segment would result in a more realistic estimate. Also I think you can get the wind speed and direction online for the time/date of the past PR and the current ride. (I have not always found the online wind speed and direction to be accurate) Just letting the users add-in a wind speed/direction would let us use (what-If scenarios).

Speed on the lap section is not accurate or is it a bug?

Bug with unit conversion.

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Hi Armando and thx for this improve and info. Just one question: from the update, i not see the line, in the diagram chart,‘target’, is missing. I find very useful this option for comparise the workout w/ the work on the road. Thanks so much for help and sorry for my bad english, i not love the translator ;O) Thanks again. Corrado.

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Hi Corrado. We’ll get that sorted. Thank you!

@xertedbrain Thanks so much ! Have a good evening. :hugs:

UPDATE since my initial testing

Rode a 50-mile loop this morning with some off and on hard plus a few steady efforts. Rated Difficult Polar Breakaway Specialist Ride when done.
Viewed activity details, selected View on Strava, three PR segments were listed, selected “View all results”, scrolled the list and starred a variety of segments from less than a mile (sprints) to 20 miles (rolling), returned to Xert. selected Advanced Stats, Refresh and one by one worked through the list evaluating the BTE predictions.

All nine entries look to be reasonable estimates and perhaps attainable considering the goal is an all out BT effort. :grimacing:
I also went back into Strava and compared the predicted BTE times to the leaderboard for my age group to confirm viable times. Curiously the age group dropdown on the Strava website stops at 55-64 although you can select By Age (65-69) on the phone app. :man_shrugging:
In my case, if a BTE segment attempt was successful, I’d be shy of any QOM times shown (forget about KOM :smiley: ) but I expect that at my age.

I did notice a slight bug. At one point there were more than nine segments listed (some were dupes), then there were less than nine. But things sorted themselves out by clicking Refresh.

Gave one of my local segments a try. Failed to get the KOM by 1-2 seconds, but got a gold breakthrough (and collapsed out in the woods :wink: ). With this effort in (and a couple of non-max efforts, but with power data, on other segments) the projected results for those segments are now much more reasonable. I just got my power meter pedals 2-3 weeks ago, so the algorithm was was using Strava estimated power for past efforts, which returned quite some nonsense… :wink:


Strava segment calculations are now looking much better for me, looks like some bugs (kilometers?) have been fixed. :+1:

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