@xertedbrain hey Armando.
w/kg … it’s not something I’d personally like added but if others would be keen then cool.
Where w/kg comes in list useful is on a chart if w/kg for each ride inside Xert, so a user definable chart that shows a limited number of durations and associated w/kg data (for me).
I don’t think in w/kg so no, not really. XEP instead. And I live in the Chicago area, which has only rolling hills.
Does it follow that “RelativePower” is not “XEP”?
This is correct. Relative power will become a much more important metric when the XFAI Race option is released. More info then.
This is a helpful thread.
I’m not completely clear on the glossary now though.
So - XEP - is that simply average power during the workout (including zeros if you stop for lunch/toilet breaks) but with an acronym?
Relative power - relevant for road riding in groups where people’s re all using power meters and use Xert so that individual users can compare how much power they used to each other? (If so that sounds like one for different groups to me … I can’t even imagine a conversation such as that but that’s cool, there will be thousands that love it. I’m just trying to understand which numbers I care about.
All I’m looking for is average power (no including zeros during stops) and power at a few user definable time periods for my own month in month comparisons really.
Open activity details for a ride/workout and both Average (with stops/pauses) and XEP are shown in the table.
Select a HIT workout or moderate/difficult outdoor ride and the difference between the two will be most evident.
For a Relative Power (RP) example see this post.
Strava does their own thing with Weighted Avg Power.
Here’s an example from today. Luca is a bit heavier than Ryan and used up more calories, but their relative power was the same:
Mine was 17W higher likely because my weight is about 3kg too low on Xert (rougly accounted for about 7-10W … need to adjust that!). I also likely pulled the group a bit more on this ride.
Often, if your numbers a really far off, it might mean power meter data errors, especially if you get a breakthrough and are suspicious of it. Comparing RP with other riders in your group can help confirm that.
I don’t see any value in this, at all. Can we please get it out of our strava summaries if we want. Thanks.
Understood. I’m only a use case of one so it’s just opinion - not something I need or will use, but I do realise that’s just me. Hope development goes well.
Thanks Scoob. Our group has had some very interesting and valuable conversations on it and I think it will grow on users. It’s a bit new and not well understood. We’ll shed more light on what it means and how it can be used.
So can it be removed from strava summaries yet. This hasn’t yet been answered.
I’ve generally been going in and editing these to remove the images, and the workout summary. I delete everything after the calorie, fat, and carb entries.
Unfortunately there’s no option to choose what information you want on the summary. You can enable it disable it. We are wanting to do more with our Strava reports and provide athletes with choices of what to show and when but that’s a bit of work and we have our hands full at the moment.
We do appreciate your perspective and will have that in mind when we can get there.
It is interesting to compare the power of other riders on a group ride. However, the way you have implemented it so far (based on the existing features) requires the other riders to also be on Xert. So this begs the question – how big fractions of the activities on Xert are with at least one other Xert user?
I would assume the number is minimal, given that Xert has no big market share. And if so it might not be worth spending resources on it.
If you could make this work for non-Xert users as well by e.g. pulling data from Strava then you would have a more useful feature. So far Xert has only found one group ride with me with a person I know. In addition, it matched me with a person I passed when riding on Zwift
Pretty much everyone I ride with is an Xert user and we all examine this after each ride. Removing it for them (or me) would not go over well. Once you have access to it in groups with other Xert users, it’s hard to go without it.
As I mentioned, it’ll be more valuable once we explain how it’s used in the XFAI Race option and we do an explanatory video of how to understand it. From there, some may find it easier to talk their riding partners into using Xert…
I believe you have tried to sell Xert to them since you started Xert I don’t think this is the case for most users.
I see the Strava API is a bit limited. But if you could get a list of the activities that Strava considers as part of the group ride (it doesn’t look like you can get that information from https://www.strava.com/api/v3/activities/{id}) you could download the associated .fit files and present them to the Xert user. He/she could then show it to his friends and convince them to sign up
There are lots of privacy concerns and we’d need users to agree to a different privacy policy. Strava Sauce does some magic with Strava data you have access to from your browser but doing something like that isn’t possible with the Strava API.
Why not? It’s the best available platform for analyzing your data and prescribing training. Was an easy sell.
Fortunately, it reached a critical mass and everyone in my circle talks fitness signatures, MPA, red/yellow/blue status and breakthroughs. It’s our shared language that describes where we each are with our training and fitness level. We quite enjoy the banter and I wish it upon everyone to have that same enjoyment one day. Sincerely.
… but I digress…
I know I am a lone voice but Xert seems to be moving to cater for things I am not that interested in.
I don’t ride with anyone who uses Xert and nobody, bar me is a data geek. In fact I rarely do group rides now.
I do not think you are a lone voice. I do group rides (and some races), but as mentioned above I am the only one using Xert so it will not be relevant to me. And I think this is the case for most users – most users do not have multiple riding buddies with Xert. Only a few do. Furthermore, is not that useful to see this information if only you can see the values for one out of ten in a group.