Recommended workouts or just past data?

Maybe I am missing something but does the system actually generate future workouts based on current levels or does it just analyze past performance? All I see is what I have done and nothing reccomended.

Xert will recommend workouts from the library and previous activities. If the goal for the day better match previous activities, they will show first. Also make sure you select All or Workouts if you want Xert to propose a workout.

Past, current, and future is part of the equation.
With XATA you operate with a blank calendar and day by day recommendations. You decide what to do within the daily guidelines and recommended workout lists (indoor, outdoor, or virtual). The evolving training load is based on what ramp rate you set and whether you elect a Phased Progression or Continuous or 30-day Challenge option.

With XFAI a forecast plan populates the Planner with recommended dosages of LIT, HIT, and Rest/Recovery days based on your goal/event/race and target date. You decide which workout to do each day or you can enable automatic selection which randomly picks from the top four on recommended lists or assigns an active recovery workout on rest days.

A fundamental difference in Xert is the calendar is not populated with predetermined workouts into the future. There is always more than one workout/activity that meets Suitability requirements. You decide what you’d like to do. If you enable Automatic you can always change your mind at the last minute (schedule change, impromtu group ride opportunity, illness/injury, swapping HIT/LIT this week, gorgeous day to ride outdoors, etc.)

Lots of newbie tips posted here – Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum