Rearranging training sessions in planner calendar

is there an easy way to rearrange the calendar? ie my program shows a big zone 2 ride on tuesday, but weather is good on sunday. i’ve just been doing this on my own, but hate getting all the red xss dots.

Not exactly.

But what you can do is to select a workout or previous activity for the day you want to change, pin it and then press adapt.


Swapping and rearranging is not as simple as it may seem. :slight_smile:
Here’s a recent post from @ManofSteele

We don’t have a “swap” feature, as that’s not how Forecast AI is designed to work. The AI provides specific XSS targets on each given day based on a variety of factors like availability, periodization & polarization settings, and of course your training status.

For example, Xert might give me a workout today with High/Peak XSS targets that will leave me in a yellow status for ~2.8 days, because it knows that my next High-Intensity day needs to be in 3 days. If I were to “swap” this workout with tomorrow’s, it wouldn’t just be impacting today’s training. It could throw off the rest of my training by pushing my yellow status into my next high-intensity session, disrupting the entire flow of my program. Deviation from a tightly structured program might mean that the desired outcomes can no longer be achieved.

If you want to shuffle things around, you can pin a workout or past activity and adapt around it as @hpbieker suggests. For details see this topic – HOW TO: Adjust Forecast Around Preferred Workout/Activities - How To - Xert Community Forum

You don’t necessarily need to Adapt Forecast when the red dot appears. First investigate what the text warning says by hovering over any magenta entries on the forecast chart. In some cases, the broken constraint will be minor. Example –


If you find yourself wanting to manually adjust your plan on a regular basis, consider switching to a XATA phased progression. That will provide extended flexibility where you can plan a week ahead at a time while progression logic runs in background to guide you.

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