i’m sure this is duplicate, so any pointer to the right thread to read up is equally appreciated.
with winter over, i’m moving to outside riding, and i want to keep using xert, but what is the best way to do so?
the garmin xert workout app doesn’t seem appropriate: I’m riding across traffic, corners, traffic lights,… so the “strictness” of an indoor workout (duration at a target power) doenst correlate with that
so i should use the TTE - from my profile page, I can take the recommended focus-power, and overall workout XSS score: so i know what power number to stress, and how hard my overall ride needs to be.
now, how long do i target each interval to be? is that by choice:
eg, today I will target 5 x 3min bursts… or today I will ride my target 4 times, and i will make each attempt from fully recovered to a TTE of 2min, or every time i cross a bridge I’ll sprint it up, and by the end, i see if with that i reached my XSS for the day, if not, i add a couple flat intervals?
I think this last paragraph is the most realistic scenario for outside riding (unless youre on a closed circuit)
excited to see if this type of riding has an impact!
If I do an outdoor training session, I refer to XATA prior my outdoor ride (Look at the interval target and workout XSS goal) and use the Garmin Xert fields on a Training Profile on my Edge 1030. It’s less structured but I try to hit the specified interval target and remain in my specified Focus target.
Yes, your interval length will be by choice but I usually use the TTE and TTR Garmin field as well to gauge my efforts.
I think you have the right though process here . By using XATA and Garmin Xert fields, you are still training but with less structure.
I rarely use the Xert Garmin app because I find it hard to follow the exact intervals and juggling traffic and changing road conditions.