"old" (F)TP values before using Xert

Hi, I have a question. For a few week I use Xert and imported 3 months off training data. Before I used Xert, I did some ramptest and my FTP was indicated on 214. Now I train with Xert, my TP is now aroud 200. How can I get a breakthrough? Must I raise my (F)TP then above 214 or can I reset the TP to get more easily a breakthrough?

Best to leave your TP lower and prove it otherwise with a BT (breakthrough) workout or similar outdoor effort.
Search the Workout Library for “fitness test” (in quotes) to locate the default BT test workouts.
Select one and ride it in Slope mode (gears/cadence), exceeding target watts and duration if able. Make sure to spin up and sprint as hard as you can for at least 5-7 seconds on any interval designed to bring you to failure.
BT workouts range from 30 minutes to one hour and are not as hard as performing a RAMP test.

Reference – Breaking Through the Xert Way! – Xert (baronbiosys.com)

Lots of newbie tips are in my Onboarding post –
Onboarding steps for Xert Trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum (xertonline.com)