You should be able to locate any activity on file with power data.
If you aren’t sure about the title go to Activities Table and locate by date.
If necessary give the activity a unique title and search by that to find it on the Planner.
When you select Event or Race AI the Focus Power profile and duration of the event determine the type of plan forecasted between now and the event date.
For example, you want to train for a 3-hour mountainous road race with a Focus of Mixed Climber that is three months from now.
Matching a previous effort isn’t a direct factor in the forecast but Event Readiness (ER) level estimates how well prepared you’ll be on that day based on your current TL and what changes are predicted in TL (low/high/peak) and Signature values between now and the event.
To “do your best” you want an ER value as low as you can go within the max hours/week you can reasonably expect to train as you approach the event factored against any schedule limitations (Availability).
Note the 1-5 ER scale in this article and how it applies to predicted performance – Event Readiness – Xert
A forecast establishes a framework/map to meet your goal, but it isn’t cast in stone.
You can adjust things along the way (pinning, swapping days, indoor vs outdoor, schedule changes, slider adjustments, stuff that happens ).