Xert ==>Rouvy

Had a few account (Strava/Garmin Connect/Xert etc) connection issues recently so disconnected and then renewed the connections, then noticed this on Rouvy this morning, my workout from yesterday stored in my collections section of Rouvy training, when did this happen @ManofSteele @xertedbrain ?!
Happy days!!!
Obviously the smart element will be removed but for longer endurance workouts its great and even recommends a suitable length route to do the workout on
The only issue I see is it doesn’t like the warm-up and cool downs so excludes them from the workout, is there a fix for that, other than performing your own outside of the workout?


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Indeed, XERT is now in the connected apps section of Rouvy, was it there already?

Yes. Rouvy have integrated successfully but there are some workout limitations that they are still working through (ramped and slope intervals are not supported yet).

If you pre-schedule your training using workouts without ramps/slope, they’ll get pushed everyday to Rouvy and you can do them there!

Announcements to come once they address these limitations.


I had imported a couple of workouts previously and noticed the dislike of warm-up/cooldown ramps, you would think it would just interpret the ramp the same as it does their own workouts ie 2min increments, but guess thats for them to figure out!