Xert EBC

Here’s my unsolicited advice for the day. :smiley:

How to report a bug or operational problem with EBC

Tap Settings, About, support@ address and send an email to Xert’s support team.

  • Subject: enter a short title identifying the problem
  • Briefly describe steps required to reproduce the issue
  • Include a screenshot if you think that would be helpful
  • Indicate version/build as shown at top of About screen; ex.
  • Indicate brand/model phone and OS version; ex. Google Pixel 2, 11

When reporting a problem during a ride/workout it will help to tap ‘Send Diagnostics’ under About when you have a mobile or Wi-Fi connection. That sends the developer a log file which includes version/build/OS info along with recent activity data.

Thanks for helping make EBC even better. Enjoy the ride. :slight_smile:


Just finished today’s workout using the latest version of EBC. There is no image uploaded for some reason. I have managed to manually download it from xertonline.com.


Let us know if this persists for you. The server has to wait until Strava gives the go ahead to upload and perhaps that may not have happened. Not unusual.

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Thanks. I manually downloaded the image from xertonline.com and uploaded it to my strava ride. I’ll see what happens with tomorrow’s indoor ride. (The weather here in the UK is shocking this week).

Also double check your settings and make sure it’s enabled.

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It’s always been enabled and has worked fine right up until now.

I’ve just tried again this morning with a short workout and again no workout image is being uploaded.

I also have a trainerroad account so just did a short workout using their app and the workout image uploaded fine.

This just seems to be occurring since the latest ebc update.

Looks like my sync settings were disabled. I must be getting old as I didn’t realise I had changed it. Many thanks.

Thanks for the update. EBC doesn’t generate the workout image/report - it actually comes from our website.

Glad you got it sorted! :slight_smile:

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Just me being old and silly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@ManofSteele I have been playing with the EBC and enjoy the display. Is there any chance that you could have it pick up Moxy sensors (Sm02)? If it could do that it would be bye-bye Garmin. The Moxy5 is BT and ANT. Thanks

Thanks Hans,

The platform will see continuous development, focusing initially on features needed by the majority of users and we’ll eventually tackle other features too as the platform matures and gains more widespread usage. For the moment, since Sm02 isn’t data we show yet on Xert, it would be best to keep your Garmin to collect and report this data.

Has anyone tried the “<<” button to go back by one interval ?

By mistake, I tapped on the “>>” button, so I wanted to go back to the previous interval, but it just didn’t work. I had to stop the activity, and restart the app, then tapped on the “next” button until I reached the last interval I was on…

It’s the same for me. It only goes to the beginning of that interval.

I think I saw somewhere that this was to be sorted (not 100% sure)

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Okay, thanks. I look forward to that day. Combining MPA information and SmO2 will be top-notch.

@ManofSteele Another suggestion: would it be possible to DISABLE the “dimming screen” option ? My Android is already set to adjust the brightness of the screen depending on the environmental luminosity; EBC completely messes with it.

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Would it be possible to resume a work out where you left off, if you’ve had to restart the device because of a bluetooth or Ant+ failure

Not as neat, but you can select the same workout and use the forward button to jump through the intervals

Normally you would swipe up and select Sensors to re-pair any sensors, but if you do have to restart the Android phone/device the activity resumes from where you left off – automatically.
This works for Indoor or Outdoor activities.
Next time you are mid-workout or mid-ride restart the device and watch what happens. :slight_smile:

Radar Love – Nice!!


There is a gear icon at top of radar strip to adjust settings –



Plus a new Rain button on the map that when tapped displays weather radar! (Me, I’m headed inside for a solo session workout. :smile: )
