Hello all,
Xert tells me I am very fired and should rest whilst intervals says all okay and I am great zone. This puzzles me a great deal. They both have same data from my rides in starva. My guess would be that they should be close. This just isn’t the case. Can anyone shed some light on this? I feel okay a little tired at the end of longer rides but nothing that makes me feel that I should rest, unless I am just not sensing it?
Any help appreciated
Keep on riding…
The color of the stars is your form as of right now which changes hour to hour.
Form should go to red after a long enough ride or an activity with sufficient high/peak strain.
The color of the triangle in the Training Pacer is calculated form 24 hours from now. You’ll be fresh/blue tomorrow, ready for whatever you decide to do.
I read your Training tab as –
My completed activity today has put me in red form (at the moment) but not enough to push me into tired/yellow form for tomorrow.
The current deficit (in relation to Noon) can easily change based on what I normally ride over the coming weekend. Deficit//surplus does not carry over from one day to the next and the value can change abruptly. As long as I’m not regularly dipping into the red band, I’m on track to maintain the ramp rate I’ve set for Continuous mode.
I’m currently riding a lot (4+ stars = Training Load >= 110). The higher my stars count the faster I can recover from most activities and the harder my HIT days can be.
Freshness Feedback slider is currently set to a bit to the left (-2) towards more tired than calculated form. That is minor but it does affect suggested lists. Normally the FF slider is used right before you make a selection if calcuated form does not match how you feel at the time.
Wow thanks ! Learnt a lot thanks to your input. Makes more sense now. Xert is one hell of a learning curve but it serves well.