Workout in Progress is stuck

I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, but I had scheduled a workout to be completed today, and today I chose to do something different instead. Now, the Training tab shows this workout in progress, and I cannot figure out how to delete it. It does not show up in the Planner, nor is there any way for me to delete it from the Training tab (that I can see). What am I doing wrong here?

If scheduled and in-progress the workout should still be listed on the Planner and deletable from there.
Try refreshing the browser page.

Yep, did that, but in the planner it still only shows the ride I completed today and not the scheduled workout. But it still shows the workout as being scheduled in progress on the Training tab.

Not sure why it wasn’t visible on the Planner but it should disappear after the 90-minute runtime.

I’m having the exact same issue.

It does not show on my planner, and I have no idea how to delete it.

EDITED: It seems that the workout is running on the player, but I can’t stop it, or delete it.

Hi Alex, any chance you have the Xert EBC app running?

If you’re still having an issue with this, can you send a note to support so we can take a look into it?


I was wondering if that was the case because I was playing to get familiar with the EBC player yesterday night. I’ll check on my tablet once I get home.


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So, the workout wasn’t on my tablet.

I started a new workout and deleted it, and then the “stuck” workout disappeared.

There is a function in Xert that supports scheduling a group session where multiple users can join and ride the same session at the same time. The session starts at the scheduled time automatically. In this case you’ll notice a countdown timer if you start EBC within 10 minutes of Start Time. If you (or others invited to the group session) miss the start you’ll see Join a session In-progress.

To avoid this issue, I suggest you use Play Now right before you are about to ride a workout which queues that workout for selection on EBC. The workout doesn’t actually start until you tap Start on EBC which in turn restarts the Remote or Session Player from the beginning.

Lots of newbie tips are posted here –
Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum (

Welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

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