Unachievable training plan

I am really battling with getting a training plan right for an extreme triathlon in November (5k swim, 174k ride, 50k run).
Currently (the last six weeks) I have averaged 529xss per week. Highest was 736xss, lowest was 325xss. I manually add my running to this from my running profile.
I have manually inserted all of my runs leading up to the race and am trying to do a plan with my cycling now but it won’t let me do more than 420xss as target and says that the plan is barely achievable. Please help.

These are the other settings

Hi @NeilC , good question!

Regarding why Xert can’t find a training plan… Ultimately the changes in training load (low, high, & peak) in the given amount of time are what will determine if a plan is achievable or not. If the plan requires a significant increase in any one (or multiple) training loads over a relatively short period of time, then the plan will likely fail. In your case, it looks like the system needs to raise your High Training Load from 0.7 to 5.0 in just a few months, which is likely the problem. You can experiment with adjusting the Focus. For example, you could try using a Polar Climber Focus instead of Polar GC Specialist, which will reduce the High TL you will need to reach for the event and might result in an achievable program.

Also, do you have daily availabilities configured in the planner? If there isn’t enough available time in your schedule to complete the XSS needed, then the training program might also not complete (even if you have the max weekly hours maxed out).

Hope this helps!