I am new to xert. I’ve read the xert 101, imported the Strava history and wanted to train. But all the suggested trainings are basically impossible I cannot manage more than 5 minutes…
Xert calculated my TP at around 380W and the last FTP test I did (I did the Zwift trial period) estimated it around 250W… I am completely lost, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can manually update the FTP to something you believe is correct. Go to your account in the upper right corner and click on it. Then select profile and you should be able to manually enter your assumed FTP. Also try doing the workouts in slope mode and not ERG mode. Then just hit the numbers you feel are sustainable. Over time Xert will start to learn your abilities and should correct to the right levels.
Good luck!
Hi, I’m a returning Xert customer and synched with my Strava, to get my fitness signature updated with the offsite activity I had done meanwhile. Trouble is that I had my Garmin failing on some rides, showing me like 1200 Watt average powers on those rides. That naturally made me joyful then for a while but now I regret I didn’t come to think of deleting those rides from Strava before syncing to Xert. The penalty is that it’s almost impossible for me to crank the pedals on while on Xert on the trainer. I’ve not taken any FTP tests lately, so can’t get my signature close to correct manually. And I would not want to start from scratch either. Is there a way to find/eliminate that bad data and have my fitness signature refreshed? Thanks, Heikki
Sort by Max Power column to display highest values at top.
Tick all the entries you want to flag, then select the Flag button in upper right.
“Fitness signatures being updated.” will appear. That my take a while depending on amount of historical data on file.
Flagging removes signature calc for those activities but retains the TL strain score.
If that doesn’t help you can use similar steps to sort by XEP and remove entries from the table.