Training advice__

I am 70 years old and an avid cyclist.
I would like to climb once more the Stelvio (21km; 7.1%), Mortirolo (12.5km, 10.5%) and Gavia (25km, 5.5%) climbs at the end of August 2024. Not on 1 day .
How do I configure Xert AI? My FTP is now 200W

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More options for this will be coming out shortly with the next update.

Hi!! I am anew member :smiley: … is there any way to adapt the cert training to outdoor sessions ?

There are two ways:
In case you have a Garmin, get the new XSS buckets data field and understand what it does.
If not, the workout “autogen” function generates a workout which fulfills what you got prescribed for that day. You should find a way to load it onto most types of head units.