Suitability Unproductive?

Why would Xata suggest workouts that are Unproductive?

Unproductive simply indicates that the XSS of that training falls significantly short of the Recommended XSS. It’s possible for many ‘unproductive’ workouts to be recommended if you have a large deficit, but little time to train.

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Ahh, makes sense! I’m coming off a recovery week and cranked up the ramp rate. Thanks Scott!

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The term is a bit confusing, as an outdoor workout might be rated as unproductive, but the exact same workout indoors might be rated as very productive. And the other way around — as the recommended XXS is different for indoors and outdoors. Xert should perhaps find a better name for it.

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I can appreciate how it might be confusing for some users, but the recommendations are relative to what you usually do + your improvement rate, which is based on the principle of Progressive Overload.

For me, a 120 XSS ride would be much more than I usually do indoors, making it very productive as an indoor workout/activity. But that same activity is pretty typical for my outdoor rides (what I usually do), so might be a good recommendation, but I might need a longer/harder outdoor ride to really continue improving my fitness.

I guess that ‘unproductive’ has a bit of a negative connotation… what might you suggest for an alternate name?

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Yes, it is the wording “unproductive” that is confusing to me, and I think to other new users. It really means “Substantially less XXS than recommended”. Unfortunately I do not have a better name :slight_smile:

There are a bunch of terms xert uses that may not be immediately obvious and difficult to summarise to fit into a crowded UI, but they have great documentation - Training Suitability – Xert

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One thing I have noticed is that Xert is happy to propose a big ride on just after (on the same day) completing one. Earlier today I completed a 250 XXS ride, and now Xert suggest that I do 260 XXS. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to adjust down this number based on a reasonable max for a day (perhaps based on training history)? In this case it would be more meaningful to suggest 60-100 XXS, or maybe utilize the fact that the max XXS I have produced in a single day is 460.

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