Sudden down turn threshold power

Does this make any sense? I had a good race on the 28th and then a good workout last night, the 30th, where my HR was a little lower for the power I as doing. The workout was marked as an Xert BREAKTHROUGH on Strava, but this graph strongly disagrees :man_shrugging:

Here’s the workout

A.k.a “fakethrough”.

Episode 1 XBL podcast…

Thanks @xertedbrain
I’ll play that episode again and listen more carefully :smiley:

So a “fakethrough” sees a sudden drop in threshold power? It feels like it should be called something else. “Sudden down turn” :smiley:

It has dropped from ~272 to ~245 which is a big big drop. You can get a fakethrough by being a couple of watts so it seems a big penalty for being so close to a BT without making it.

Related to this issue?

It should be fixed but may be worth chasing with Xert support just in case you were missed.

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