Straight from tired to detraining?

Can someone explain why in the planner I seem to go straight from tired to detraining. No days of “fresh” or “very fresh” in the transition? Just seems weird to me.

Hi @jonhalvo ,

It’s a bit of an edge case, but it is possible. This is because fatigue is tracked across two dimensions (Low & High/Peak). If you really dig yourself a deep hole with a lot of fatigue (yellow for days/weeks at a time) without adding in sufficient low intensity training, it’s possible to go straight from tired to detraining. See our support doc on training status & form here: Training Status and Form – Xert

But I suspect you are going to do some training between now and Feb 18th. For example, try adding in a bunch of SMART - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds workouts into the planner between now and Feb 17th, you’ll see the status update and you’ll likely go yellow > blue on the 18th instead of yellow > brown.

Seeing your calendar, I might suggest adding in some more low-intensity rides over the next week, especially if you’re finding yourself feeling tired! Hope this helps/makes sense!

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