I’ve been using Xert for a long time and never really managed to use it effectively. Despite at one stage being the only software to integrate inside and outside workouts I couldn’t seem to be able to use it properly. I persevered because I “got” the training philosophy behind it.
I had great hopes for the new AI planning but it was listening to Steve Neal with Jack Burke podcast where Steve explained how he “filled the buckets” which was a real eye opener to me.
I don’t know if we’ve been brainwashed by other training companies into thinking that only strict structured interval training will work but listening to him explain how he’s got some of his clients to just ride for fun but simultaneously fill the buckets and then go home struck a cord with me.
I’ve just done a very easy and relaxed social group ride with about 20 other riders where for the first time ever I’ve managed to do what if (hopefully) a productive workout by just going hard when I got the opportunity.
I’d just like to say Thank You to @xertedbrain and all the programmers and staff at Xert.