I tried following an AI-generated workout, but the data seems off. I did an all-out sprint effort and earned a Silver Breakthrough, which definitely aligns with my strength profile. However, my threshold power dropped by 50W, as shown in the Breakthrough report on the screen. My threshold dropped from 290W to 240W after today’s sprint workout.
Regarding my recent workouts, they were marked as endurance—approximately 3x 12 minutes at 250W. While they weren’t painful, they didn’t feel easy either.
Should I stick to the plan and avoid updating it? The adaptive forecast doesn’t seem to change anything.
I think you have to manually adapt the plan, although future workouts will be at your new signature unless you flag the workout. I’m sure greater minds than mine will chime in on this, but from what I’ve read the plan won’t adapt unless you make it do so.
I do click adapt. It changed some schedule. I wonder if I should use this ‘old’ ~290W threshold, which is good assumption for my current fitness (My last year PB outdoor is ~290W for 90minutes).
Or use this new 240W that is calculated after this ride that’s the question.
It appears your PP was understated by a sizeable margin which resulted in the HIE/TP correction.
Ideally you want to validate your signature before you forecast a plan but you always have the option to Update the current plan or Create a new one (with a new start date) when you select Modify Plan.
If you don’t feel the adjustment was warranted you can flag the activity and perform one of the fitness tests in the Libary on your next HIT day. Ride it in Slope mode, exceeding targets and durations if able, and make sure to ride to a failure point on any intervals designed for that purpose.
I would flag it (which is a different point to adapting forecast) if you think data has errors, or very soon (tomorrow) get another BT from a longer effort (eg. 10 min+) so that your TP goes back to a level which is representative of your current capabilities. No need to follow a workout for that - if you can hold 290w for 90min just ride at 320w for as long as you can, then ride all out for 10 seconds or so (no recovery in between) to be sure you’ve really gone all out