Semi newb issues

I’m back on xert to test it out after two years of trainer road. I’m having a couple issues.

  1. xert thinks I’m at the same ftp as when I left, which is 25 watts less than I was using on TR. Is there a way to change this?
  2. I’ve created a plan and told it that I can’t work out on Wednesdays (which is today). It’s put a workout in my plan for today. I’ve checked and the plan definitely shows unavailable. What gives?

Did you sync all your activities to date?
When was the last BT detected on the XPMC?
TP isn’t FTP but for many users the values are close.
While you could manually change your signature have you considered riding a fitness test workout from the Library to validate your signature? You could do that for your next HIT workout. Search the Library for “fitness test” in quotes and pick one. Ride in Slope mode exceeding target watts and durations (if able) and make sure to ride to a failure point on any interval(s) designed for that purpose.
No need to pace it like a RAMP or 20 minute test.
It’s always a good idea to validate your signature before running a forecast especially if last BT was long ago.

Did you configure Availability before you ran the forecast?
What happens if you run Adapt Forecast?

All of my activities are imported and up to date. I have fixed the forecast piece and it is no longer giving me a workout on a day off, but it’s also now trying to give me an active recovery day today even though I didn’t ride yesterday.

I have no clue what a “signature” is in this context. I’m definitely not capable of interpreting the xpmc yet. It’s a foreign language. So xert doesn’t use ftp? At all?

Sorry. I interpreted “two years” ago as meaning you are well familiar with how Xert works with XATA but needed help with the new forecast option.
While some content is outdated you should find my newbie tips of value – Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum

Since your fitness signature is likely understated (TP too low) you are in a good position to prove that number wrong from riding this fitness test in Slope mode the next time your form is blue/fresh. Slope mode ensures you can thrash away on the sprint efforts and ride to failure on the last longer interval. Even better try to jump up and sprint for at least 5-7 secs right before you are about to fail.

TP and FTP serve the same purpose but are not derived in the same manner so they aren’t meant to be the same number. Close maybe but for some users a notable difference.
The question is how well you can train with the calculated TP. An over/under TP workout will tell you that as will an over/under LTP workout indicate how close LTP is to LT1 (by RPE respiration).

What type of XFAI program have you configured and what is the target date? (Goal, Event, Race AI)

Thanks for the onboarding steps! I’m definitely struggling a bit to take it all in. I think I’m going to like the workouts on XERT versus those on trainerroad, but I definitely appreciated their KISS approach - I just want to be told what to do based on my goals. I did a zwift race last night and that brough my TP much closer to actual. I dislike fitness tests with a passion, but I’ll give it a shot.

I’m not currently set for a particular goal, though there are some possible races in the future. I currently have things set to help me progress as a rouler using the XATA set to continuous moderate - 2 which it thinks will increase my 6 minute power from 255 to 261, which is says might be unsustainable. I guess I’m ok with it thinking that since mt TP is still too low. What it thinks my final TP will be is still currently lower than my actual.

I’m wondering now if I shouldn’t move to forecast AI models, which will actually give me an FTP target I can plan for. I’ve got to figure out how polar/pure/mixed will affect that plan first.

I appreciate the continuing help!

Your XATA plan sounds reasonable.
You can play with XFAI forecasts and move back to Continuous at any time.
I learned many things about Xert by experimenting, switching back and forth, playing with the sliders, etc.
Once you settle on a program the daily routine is: 1) Select a workout from recommended list (if auto-schedule isn’t enabled), 2) Run EBC on your phone to select that workout, and 3) Start the workout.
You don’t need anything else but you can optionally watch the workout on a laptop or tablet by opening the Remote Player (traditional blue block chart) or Session Player (enhanced chart and gauge plus viewing options under Settings icon in upper right).

Here’s a link to my fitness test post that explains why you may want to choose one on occasion as your HIT workout –
From old trainer to smart trainer. Set FTP - Training - Xert Community Forum
As you’ll see the short one is nothing like a RAMP or 20-minute test. At the most you’re putting in 10 minutes of effort spaced apart.