Required training amount

Hi guys.
I’d llike to understand the logic of Adaptive Training Adviser.
Currently I’m in the 1st half of the Base Phase of 120 days GC Specialist Training Program.
Last week I did 12.5 hours of base and recovery training including three 3-hours endurance rides, on 2-hour endurance rides and 2 40-mins recovery ride. 2 3-hours endurance rides were on Sat and Sun. I looked at the Training Deficit values and used recommended workouts to remove the Training Deficit.

Today is monday. My Training Status is Very tired and Focus Type is Recovery. The recommended workouts are Active Recovery workouts around 30 XSS. However, the Training Deficit is 145 XSS.
Probably, tomorrow the Training Deficit will be around 300 XSS (am I wrong here?). My Weekly Hours Needed is just 8.1 hours.
The bottom summary of ATA is:
Your Training Status is Very tired and should consider taking recovery time. Optionally, you may consider an Active Recovery workout.

I think I’ll get overtrained if I follow the Training Deficit values.
It seems to me that recommended amound XSS doesn’t match the Weekly Hours Needed. May be I don’t fully understand the logic of ATA.

Could you please clarify why I get this Training Deficit and what should I do with it? Should I just ignore it and look only at the Focus Type and Recommended workout?

What’s your currently selected Improvement Rate? The XSS surplus/deficit is based on your activity over the last 7 days plus your selected Improvement Rate.

If you’re feeling a bit tired or worried about ‘keeping up’ with training, try reducing your improvement rate. I usually use ‘Maintenance’ when I’m feeling the need for a lighter training week

My IR is set to Moderate-2.