Recovery intervals too low

I’m wondering if there’s any easy way to bump the recovery intervals up a bit? My trainer really struggles to provide resistance any time the watts get below about 120. For instance, yesterday I did the Say It Aint So workout. I was doing some intervals at around 320w and then later into the 500s. But the recoveries were only around 85w. I ended up just spinning forward and almost getting ahead of the chain on each pedal stroke as I don’t think the trainer could provide enough resistance at the low wattage. It’s probably not good for my bike. I upped the difficulty on the app, but of course that also moved up the high intervals. Any suggestion for adding a little bit to the recoveries?

Try the workout in Slope mode next time and see how that goes with gears/cadence in control.
You’ll achieve similar strain goals regardless.
You could also copy the workout and change RIBs to %FTP or LTP instead of 30 XSSR. If that works well with your trainer you can like :+1: your copy and dislike :-1: the original.

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That’s a very cool idea. I just did that for those workouts and just bumped up the XSSR for the rest intervals a bit. Thank you!

What chainring/cassette positions do you tend to use while on the trainer?
For erg mode, the trainers seem happiest if you stick to inner chainring and mid-cassette. Give that a go if you are perhaps using big-ring up front and see if it helps.
I generally only notice the trainer struggling a bit once around 80w or so.

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@me96kka is spot on… if you’re in a very large gear (i.e. 53 x 14), it won’t really be possible to get power to a relatively low level.