Recommended workouts are too easy

I’m new here and maybe I don’t get it, but recommended training stress and workouts are so easy that I keep turning up the intensity. Further, the training pacer keeps showing me behind pace and my threshold keeps getting reduced. A few days ago I started choosing my own training with higher stress loads, and I’m still having to turn up the intensity during my rides. However, my threshold either stays stagnant or still goes down. What gives here?

Trial user or subscriber?
Is 90 days of historical data loaded or more?
When was last BT (breakthrough)? (shown under your name/status stars at
What is your current status stars count?
What is an example workout that was too easy? (you can post the workout report by viewing details and select report icon)

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Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum

I am a trial user, and I linked my Strava account that includes years of training data. My last breakthrough according to Xert was a training ride I did just days before joining (400 tss), and my current stars are about 3.5. The forum isn’t letting me include a link to my ride from yesterday, but I did SMART My Way or the Highway 3.0, and I increased the intensity by 11%.

I looked at the newbie link, and that didn’t seem helpful to address my concern.

To send a link to a workout activity, click Share in upper right of the activity details screen, make Public, then post the url.

Trial version has a reduced workout set. I am not sure what you have access to but there are multiple versions of My Way or the Highway that vary in Difficulty level ranging from 2.5 to 4.0 diamonds.
Normally at 3.5 status stars you should be able to complete 3.5 diamond workouts with 100% compliance where a higher diamond count workout will be harder and lower diamond count easier.
This assumes your fitness signature is dialed in so that the MPA graph reflects expected difficulty and fatigue experienced during the workout.
If you think the 3.0 version felt too easy, your signature is likely understated.
To confirm that ride this 30-minute workout on your next fresh form day.
Ride completely in Slope mode using gears/cadence to exceed targets and durations (if able) and make sure to ride to failure on the last interval. Even better, jump up and try to sprint as hard as you can for 5-7 secs or more, right before you are about to collapse.
Let us know how you do.
If your efforts generate a BT, you’ll see a BT report icon under activity details you can select to download a file to post to the forum.

To give you an idea of what changes in the My Way workouts note the differences in this Library screenshot. MPA drawdown increases, Difficulty (shaded portion of chart) rises along with diamond count, and XSS ratio and target Focus changes from GC Specialist (8-min power) to Rouleur (6-min power) to Breakaway Specialist (5-min power).

Something else you can do is compare your PP (Peak Power) and HIE (High Intensity Energy) values to this chart. Are your numbers within the normal bell curve range?