New to Xert and I’m wondering how Xert takes account of off the bike activity mostly running but other S&C activity. Running would generate significant XSS but notwithstanding how would Xert adjust my Plan / recommended workouts if I’d done a long run the day before. Thanks
im a table tennis player myself, when I have matchdays its pretty intensive. So what I learned to do is pin an endurance or recovery workout the day after. Xert will adjust accordingly (and when using XFAI use adjust forecast).
I suppose what I’m asking is how can I record runs etc in Xert as they don’t seem to upload from Strava or wahoo. Thereafter how does Xert take account of it in my recommended training. I can do this myself like you say pin a recovery ride on the calendar however I don’t need Xert for this just a paper diary and a pen. I’m thinking there must be a way because who would design a cycling training app that doesn’t incorporate S&C - all training plans must incorporate off the bike training and the stress or recovery they deliver if they’re any good. Also cycling to work/leisure rides without power. Have I missed something?
I pull most of my non-bike stuff into Xert from Strava. With running if you use a Garmin device you will want to turn off the push of running power because Garmin’s power values aren’t scaled the same and can mess up things. Other than that, it seems to work pretty well.