I have my IR set to ‘Maintenance’ and the 6 week TL projection says 17 which matches my current TL; all as expected.
However, when I plan my weeks or ride the WOTD it works out to be 34 XSS/day, approximately a Moderate -1 IR. Should the AI not limit my workouts to hit the TL? I’m a little confused here about how much manual involvement is expected.
Thanks in advance,
Some factors in play –
- Training Pacer operates on a weighted moving average of XSS over a rolling 7-day window.
You’ll need a week+ to settle into the downgraded TL when you lower IR.
- XATA considers the pattern you have established in recent past to suggest day-of-week guidance. For example, if you’ve been training 1 hour on Mon, Wed, Fri and now want to reduce time to 45 minutes you’ll need to start doing that for a week+ before XATA recognizes the new pattern.
Think of it as a power boat. You may throttle back the engine but the boat doesn’t slow down immediately.
Another way to approach it is to purposely reduce your weekly load and the pacer needle will decline into the red band. If you then lower IR the needle will immediately rise to reflect the change in TL.
So yes, some manual intervention is required as you settle into your new weekly pattern.
You mention 34 XSS/day but there are ony a few workouts from the Library in that range.
Or is that the average over 7 days and you ride 3-4 days/week for about an hour?
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
The 34 XSS/day figure is the average over a 7 day period. From what you’ve said I need to manually stick to an intended TL for a week so XATA understands my current training? This just seemed a little unclear, as when I selected ‘Maintenance’ I expected XATA to keep me aligned with the TL goal (potentially suggesting shorter workouts than my availability for example).
I am a new Xert user, so will see how the next few weeks go, and hopefully it will become clearer. Thanks again.
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