Magic Buckets or Dashboard

Nice apps for the Garmin, which one to use and why ?

Or both I guess,

Hi Scott! We expect that users will likely want to use them both in different scenarios:

  • Xert Dashboard can be helpful as a single-page data field when you want to ā€œjust rideā€ and have access to some Xert-specific metrics (Focus, Difficulty, Fat/Carbs, etc.).
  • Xert Magic Buckets is more tailored towards training & proactively guiding you to achieve your daily training targets (Low, High, & Peak XSS)

There are scenarios where you might want to use both in the same ride! Maybe you want to join a group rideā€¦ use the dashboard while riding with the group & when the group ride is done - check in on Buckets and ā€œtop upā€, if needed :slight_smile: If you know you have High & Peak buckets to fill, maybe consider taking a few extra pulls on the front or attack your buddies up the climbs :slight_smile: