Long Slow Distance Rides leading up to an Event

I am currently in the build phase (on Moderate-1 weekly improvement rate) and looking at an Event Scheduled in 3 months time (Focus Road Sprinter).
At the moment i do a couple of 3.5 to 4hr rides on both Saturday and Sunday and may have time to incorporate an additional 4-5 hr LSD ride mid week during the Build Phase.
Two Questions
I’m unsure whether I should include them or just stick to the current suggestions.

The event i’m aiming for is fairly flat and and I anticipate a sprint finish so i don’t want to jeopardize the the top end power - as i’m new to Xert do they incorporate Sprint Training leading into the event?

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Hi @JonoJ! Best of luck to you with training for your event! Hopefully I can answer some of your questions below!

Long rides are a fantastic way to build your training load in preparation for a longer event! Here at Xert, we always say that ‘if you can train more*, train more!’ (*if it doesn’t compromise your recovery).

You can always override the recommendations by picking your own workouts (or doing a free ride, group ride, race, etc.) and Xert will automatically adjust the subsequent recommendations! My recommendation might be to pick one day a week to work in some sprint training. Consider adding in some of these Mixed Mode workouts throughout the base & build period:


Thanks Scott - Those workouts look the ticket