You’re lucky, my LTP is 65% of my TP. Perhaps because my longer (3 - 4 hour) rides usually involve a coffee stop which brings the average power down. If not I really need to know how to raise LTP.
That doesn’t sound right. 65% of your TP would normally be around about lowish to mid endurance zone. The guidance I’ve seen from Scott and Armando both reckon Endurance would be about 80% of LTP which for you would be VERY low.
I think that the known measurement that LTP supposes to estimate is the Power@FatMax/LT1. This is the point on your power curve where the absolute amount of fat oxydation maxes out, while at the same time, using a rather small amount of carbs. Knowing this point is important because it is the point where - with regard to fueling - you get the best “bang for the buck”. Therefore, this metric is important for all sports where effort duration is longer (for example marathon, rides > 60-90 minutes; the exact duraction depends on the size of your carb storage). You cannot go faster without the metabolism ramping up carb usage which, other than fat, is a limited fuel. This is why it also called “lactate threshold 1”, as from that point on, lactate levels in the blood start to rise (but stay constant to the point they have risen to if you maintain the effort); lactate is the “biomarker” for carbs being used as fuel (simplified). With regard to “Tempo”-zone, I think for most athletes it will be below the Tempo zone and in the endurance zone. If you adapt your training, you can move LTP into the Tempo zone (hence decreasing the distance between LTP and FTP). In order to do so, train on an empty stomach, and, even more, train on an empty stomach with efforts around 85%-90% of your FTP with a very low cadence (below sixty). This will teach your fast twitch fibers (that get activated due to the high resistance@low cadence@FTP) to burn fat instead of carbs (they prefer the latter). Sprint intervalls also do the trick, 12x0:30/4:30 @170-200%FTP/your current LTP.
My LTP seems to be more or less where Steve Neal’s Balance Point is, although I suspect it’s different for every rider depending on their individual signature.