Thanks. I think me stopping there was more like a “I can’t believe this?” reaction but I agree, there is no way I would do this interval. Maybe on a good day and in a race but I would die after it and definitely not able to repeat it.
My estimated power curve is exaggerated in all durations but every time I adjust the MPA to pull it down, within the next 2-3 breakthroughs it gets back exactly where it was. But xert being optimistic about my peak, 5 min and 20 min power is not new to me. It was always the case when I am in a building phase. Maybe it shouldn’t?
I have a last piece in the puzzle that I am looking into: inconsistent power from the trainer. I use with a kicker v4 and every few weeks I dual record with assioma duo and I had no problems but I spotted a serious drift on Friday. Pity I don’t have a dual record of that ride, it would be useful.
Good discussion going on here. Thought I would chime in as well…I find that long XSSR intervals take loads of concentration to finish because many of us are uncomfortable holding efforts under considerable fatigue. It’s certainly an uncomfortable feeling, mentally.
I think the ‘Closer’ series of workouts are my favourite VO2max workouts. I find completing the 140 version (5x5 at 140 XSSR) is challenging and I think I’ve only completed the 170 version when I’m feeling in good shape. I can imagine that completing the 200 (or 300 version) would be an extreme challenge!
Also, you can get a feel for whether your signature is correct on these longer XSSR intervals by looking at your HR once the interval has basically tapered off to TP & has you hold threshold under fatigue. You should notice that HR generally holds steady with minimal upward or downward drift. In this case (Closer 170) I can tell my signature was a bit underestimated as my HR tapered down a bit over the last ~2-3 min of each interval
It is tough especially mentally. I haven’t failed a workout in XERT yet ( i did fail in trainerroad before to give an example), but there’s plenty of times I think “why is this still x minutes” lol. And I think I’m gonna fail 1 minute in, and somehow keep up.
But I can imagine especially if you’re already mentally or physically tired from other stuff in life it can be impossible.
This is so important!! I think the first minute (or two) of these intervals can be SO tough because you think “there’s no way I can hold this effort” while in reality the effort does taper off as you fatigue. If the interval was square (e.g. hold the starting power for 5 minutes), you’d almost certainly fail, but because they taper in unison with your fatigue makes them very interesting intervals & rewarding to complete. But you do need to have some trust in yourself & some trust that the software is doing it’s thing as well!
I find that positive self-talk does absolutely help me push through these. Even little silly things like “I can do this” or “I am strong!” haha!
Talking about XSS per hour, the 200 XSSR intervals should feel super hard (and I failed to complete, probably a mental issue). Today I did the pictured zwift race (with the same fitness signature) where I accumulated 138 XSS in 37 minutes, making it 220 XSS per hour. Is this the same metric we are talking about?
For the record, the difficulty rating was 5 diamonds and it certainly felt like this. I am sleeping on the couch tonight, no way I can climb the stairs to the bedroom
I had a near breakthrough but that was because I just said “it does not worth sprinting for 45th”, otherwise it would have been a proper breakthrough.