How do I program 3 progressive training weeks followed by the easier recovery week

Hi, I’m use to the three XSS increasing progressive weeks followed by an easier 4th week, sometimes called the step ladder approach.
I’m currently using the continuous improvement plan, and my question:
Is there a setting to allow for this ?

Certainly! You can modify your Improvement Rate to change the desired amount of improvement every couple of weeks if you want.

The 3 week build, 1 week recovery may not be needed depending on your specific training load & improvement rate. Xert will identify whether your improvement rate is sustainable or not. If Xert indicates it’s sustainable, then a ‘recovery week’ may not be necessary. Higher Improvement Rates are likely only sustainable for shorter periods of time.

As always - it depends on your unique training load(s) & Improvement Rate, but you could try something like 3 weeks of Moderate - 2 or Aggressive - 1 followed by a week of Maintenance or Slow.

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Thanks Scott, I’m currently on Moderate -1.
So do I do change it to maintenance or slow manually on every 3rd week or can it be programmed automatically.?

PROGRAM tab > Modify Plan and adjust the Improvement Rate from the dropdown menu!
