High intensity within the plan

Just started a race plan and I have been getting HIT workouts following multiple days of low intensity/tempo. This seems counter to what I thought was the best practice of doing HIT following a rest day. For example last week I have 4 straight days of endurance including some longer tempo work then on the schedule is a very hard HIT day, I attempted but my heart rate was higher than normal in the warm up and garmin said my performance condition was -5. So I called it and switched to rest day. Then reforcasted my plan and it gave me a tempo day then an endurance day then another super hard day. Isn’t it better to be fresh when doing super hard workouts? Now I have 2 off days in a row? Then two endurance days and another HIT day. What are your thoughts? Are others having success with this layout? What’s the theory here? Thanks!

Post screenshots of the Planner showing what you are questioning (past or present weeks).

The :x: was supposed to be a high intensity workout but I bailed.

Your Planner looks reasonable to me for someone approaching 2 status stars.
The HIT on the 11th at 3-1/2 diamonds would have been tough though. :slight_smile:
On Pure Endurance LIT days you can select easier workouts if you prefer them over tempo. Look for mostly blue thumbnail charts (at or below LTP). Or run Autogen if you can’t find one.
You shouldn’t need a rest day prior to HIT if calculated form is fresh/blue and you actually feel fresh.
Do you remember the workout name of the one you bailed on?

Use the latest update.

FYI, getting multiple days of high-intensity is often because of lack of availability and the amount of intensity needed to keep progressive overload. High intensity training can get split into multiple days.

I have my availability set to 7 days a week 1.5 hours/day.

I think it was descending pyramids. Also curious why I got all those days in a row right after starting the plan and now next week there are a ton of rest days?

Hard for me to give an exact answer without seeing any of your program details. What program are you on? What are your current (and target TL’s)? There’s always a reason for what the system is doing!

With that in mind, it may be helpful if you share your Forecast Chart & show the High training load (click the ‘High’ option under the chart. You should see how Xert helps you achieve progressive overload throughout the program this way. Here’s an example from my program: