Garmin 1050 - data fields

No plans for ERG mode yet. Might be tricky since you can choose when to start/stop intervals as you wish.

You could perhaps make it easier to change between different power targets in Xert EBC. Maybe holding down the field «Target: XXXW» could give l list of predefined power targets to switch to. The list could be based on your 1, 2,…20 min power. And maybe also include the targets from the magic intervals if they are running.

Similarly, «Mode: XXX» could give a list of modes to select when holding down on this field.

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@hpbieker is indeed exactly what i was hoping

With set pwr (or %of ftp or xssr…) would be best (eg user difineable), eg if i had 4 choices id set 49%, 60%, 110% and 150% as my 4 workout interval types,

Today ill see if i can achieve the concept with current slope as my control button.
Feature Requests

Love that idea, esp the magic interval idea as that will give more variation from workout to workout

Feature Requests

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If they implemented magic intervals in EBC they could also allow you to press and hold the power target for say a second or so to update the ERG target. So pressing/holding the power target for the rest interval while in the work interval, it would just change the power target for your trainer. You could then override this with the +/- buttons.

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Exact - riding now, the datafield itself is great. I always do dual recording: control ride with android app (and discard after training) and recording with edge for uploading .

Unfortunately anything involving tapping or tap & hold doesn’t work well for the app :frowning: Loads of opportunity for sweat/rain to prevent tapping, as well as mis"clicks" (mis-taps ?), especially when outdoors, on a bumpy road, etc.

IMHO, this feature works best when you riding in SLOPE mode and controlling your effort with your gears & cadence. Or you can use the data filed while your trainer is paired to a virtual platform - I do this with Zwift, for example. Learning to feel & control harder efforts with your gears & cadence is a very helpful skill to have, and something that I feel has been lost a bit with ERG mode workouts (as nice as ERG is at times). I’ve felt this way for some time now and in fact, that’s why we have #MIXEDMODE workouts with Slope mode intervals.

If you’re planning to ride in ERG mode, then the adaptive nature of Magic Buckets isn’t really needed. You could just pick a workout from the recommended list, since it’s going to give you the XSS you need anyways. :man_shrugging: Hope that makes sense.

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With magic buckets installed, is there any need for the original buckets data field?

No - this data field will replace it. We’ll be dropping support for the original data field, since this offers the same features, as well as proactively guiding you in filling them.


Thanks. Will it also replace the dashboard data field?

No, the dashboard is meant to be used for “just riding” and shows a variety of different metrics, including some specific to Xert. Magic Buckets is designed specifically for training & to achieve your XSS targets.


I disagree with the idea that the magic buckets should completely replace the original buckets. I have one screen as the dashboard / mini buckets and another as the new magic buckets.

I did a ride yesterday on a local rail trail and I think that type of environment is great for magic buckets. There are many places on that trail to do intervals as prescribed and it’s easy to pick spots where you can get the watts and duration to really hit the targets. There is enough time to look at all the data and use it to tailor the ride.

I did a ride today on the mountain bike on a local trail system. I found the magic buckets less useful there. The nature of MTB trails means I can’t often hit the power target and/or duration. The beeping to increase or decrease power became annoying at points where the terrain did not allow the target to be hit. At one point it was beeping at me to increase power while I was descending a steep downhill where that just wasn’t possible and the beeping was a distraction. There wasn’t enough time to look at and digest all the information. On the other hand, the original buckets only require an occasional glance where I can decide if I need to increase or decrease general effort to hit the goals for the day.

In short, I think there is a place for both. Magic buckets is awesome for outdoor rides in a lot of situations. The one situation where I will want to continue using the older buckets is on mountain bike rides which make up a substantial part of my riding. I hope the older buckets doesn’t go away because I would still like to use it.

Also another great case for the older buckets is it is compatible with a lot of watches, which is not the case for magic buckets. Potentially useful for days you forget to bring and/or charge the bike computer.

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