Forecast AI - When do I test for a BT?

It appeared to me today - my planner looks pretty good and makes sense for my goal.

However - when do I test for a BT now? Its not scheduled - do I still use old school Xert logic and schedule to do a BT test every (4) weeks and maybe on a HIT day? Or maybe the day after the planner has me taking a rest day?

Maybe I missed something and we are not doing BT tests anymore?

With the recents updates, BT’s shouldn’t be required since the system should better track your day-to-day fitness, regardless of the Signature Decay Method you choose. You can do them as you see fit, especially if you feel that there is a latent increase that, unless you get the BT, can affect your workout targets. You can experiment with Optimal/Small/No Decay to see how big of a latent breakthrough the system is seeing.

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@xertedbrain sorry can you explain a bit more?

Does signature decay apply within Forecast and what do you mean by latent?

Asking because I thought the same thing today about needing a breakthrough and tried for one because it was a HIT day and I was using a Zwift race for my workout which typically produce BTs. (Wasn’t to be today)

Also if I hit one, will AI take that into account and forecast a new higher signature for my target event to reach? Or will it see that I’ve ‘hit my target’ and focus on maintaining that through till event day?


“Latent” means your signature is slighly underestimated and you have a breakthrough coming.

There is no decay applied to future forecasted activities. But with the recent changes, XFAI should increase your Target Goal (not Event since it’s just based on training loads) when you get a breakthrough.

When Armando responded (which I appreciate all the killer work and time he gives/does), I also had to think about this since I have all previous Xert knowledge in my head still.

I think what Armando is saying, is that a BT will naturally occur during an outdoor ride/race if your signature has changed or if you are finding your “indoor” workouts to be easy you need to try for a BT (I think that what he means by latent).

We need to remember that Xert does not operate on a FTP only basis and your signature fluctuates a lot. You don’t “need” your peak numbers showing to increase your fitness or ability’s.

I hope this helps, or maybe im completely wrong.

I’ve been following the plan made with Forecast AI, BUT, two weeks ago, finishing a suggested workout, I got a fakethrough. Xert decided to lower my TP by 4 W, so, today, one month after I started, my TP (267 W) is barely the one I had back then (266 W).

Had Xert told me that that workout was supposed to generate a new signature, I would have pushed harder/longer on the high intensity intervals, as I still had some power/energy to spend. But I only applied what the workout was asking me for. So, with one month fully following the suggested workouts, Xert still considers me at the same level I was when I started. And the forecasted numbers are going down and down for the target date (focus power is at 299 W today, the Forecast Chart is aiming 305 W by then end of August instead of the first estimation of 318 W).

As my signature hasn’t really moved, and the workouts I’ve been suggested to are based on that signature, I think that it doesn’t help to improve that much. Is there something, somewhere, in Xert parameters, to change the way the signature is reevaluated, or should I plan to do a specific workout to get a real BT so that Xert generates a “better” signature ?

First of all, flag that ride. If it was not a maximal effort on your part, then it was not a fakethrough. Xert can’t always tell.
Second I’d suggest you go out and do a real breakthrough, pull MPA down not too quickly and add a bit of a sprint somewhere to get all parameters right. Sometimes it takes more than one breakthrough (a week or so apart to be really fresh) to get the signature really correct and the system will learn from that by adjust the training responsiveness values for you.
Then look at where you’re actually at and let the AI plan adjust to that.
Even though with a good history of training and breakthrough data the training load to signature tracking seems to work pretty well for some people now a breakthrough once in a while can still be a good idea to adjust the plan and expectation to reality. If for nothing else than peace of mind and proof, or if something feels off, like in your case.

What do you mean ? What action should I take for the AI to adjust the plan ?

In the meanwhile, I played with the options on the profile tab under my account, and now Xert has even lowered the parameters of my signature. At best, according to the different changes I made, my TP, PP and LT dropped by around 10 W.

I didn’t change anything on my rides, didn’t flag any yet, so, why Xert doesn’t get back to the previous signature ?
How can I force it to use the numbers from my last BT, and take in account the following weeks of training with the suggested workouts that are supposed to improve my signature ???

You need to flag the activities that draw down your signature when you are sure they are not real maximal efforts. That’s the only correct thing to do and you’re the only one who knows if that was all you had to give or not.
And with ‘look at where you really are at’ I meant do a breakthrough and see what comes out, then adjust the AI plan based on the new correct signature.
And you can message support and let them have a look at it, maybe some data is wrong or something else.

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OK, I plan on doing a BT test next Saturday.

Nowadays, I played again with the settings for my profile, I switched the decay method to “No decay - Training load matched”, went to the day I did a real BT test, locked and saved the signature.
That gives me a better outlook. Maybe a bit overestimated, mainly on the PP. But at least, it should push me, instead of keeping me in the kinda “too-easy” zone :

Should work if you go to the last real BT and save / lock it (bottom of activity page). Just make sure you have flagged the ‘future’ incorrect BT first