On Saturday afternoon, pinning two high intensity workouts for Monday and Friday, running Adapt Forecast and all looks good. Refreshing the page for a good measure too.
Sunday morning, I had a low intensity 70 XSS and I am opening the planner to see what is the WOTD and I see the red dot. That’s weird. I decided to adapt the forecast and now I am getting a “High Intensity”, 100 XSS workout suggested!
I experimented with different times of the day and each time I run Adapt Forecast, I am getting more XSS. I feel like the AI is punishing me for clicking it
I know I can just do whatever I want and it will adapt, but my questions are:
Why without any change other than a few hours passed I get so different workout suggested.
Should I be clicking the Adapt forecast in these cases where I know I did not miss or do anything new in my plan or shall I stick whatever I had?
The Planner defaults to whatever time you normally train on that day of the week.
Calculated form changes hour by hour so training recommendations in AM can differ from PM.
Adapt Forecast is a manual process under user-control. The routine looks forward to rebalance the week ahead or further into the future if necessary.
Before adapting you can hover over magenta bars on your forecast chart for an explanation and decide whether to adapt or not.
If you prefer what you pinned I’d stick with the changes and monitor red dot status afterwards.
The process is flexible by design. Many roads lead to Rome.
As you approach your target date the possible detours narrow in scope.
Adapt Forecast can also reshuffle the week ahead if you don’t like what’s upcoming but ultimately you are in control with how far you veer off plan and how often.
Wait, what magenta bars that I can hover! I briefly saw in the forecast animation some days getting magenta but hey disappear before I can hover on them. I tried 4-5 times to capture this screenshot. Are those the magenta bars?>
Zoom in on that section (typically the upcoming week) then hover over or tap each bar that is highlighted in magenta indicating a broken constraint.
Here’s an example of one that I’d likely let slide (no reason to Adapt Forecast):
Thank you! This is something I haven’t noticed before. When the red dot shows in the Adapter, some days show with magenta on the planner and the bar chart a the training tab shows exactly what your screenshot shows. I had the same message “Estimated training time is more than your availability”.