Forecast AI Adapt Forecast overrides my planned training. Can I stop this?

I am using Forecast AI. I have set my availability by day. I tend to change my forecast training, either to add teh workout I plan to do in Zwift, or to a “similar” previous Zwift race, with the intention that XERT adapts my plan based on what I actually intend to do for the week. However, when I have chosen / selected my weeks training, and then

I hit adapt Forecast button, my planned training dissapears. Is this intentional? can I stop this happening?

Yes, this is intentional behaviour, since Adapt will schedule the training that’s optimal (or needed) to achieve your ultimate training plan goals. In your first example, both Tuesday & Thursday are red (so they don’t align with the training needed on those days), so it makes sense that they’d be removed since they don’t align with the original targets for those days.

However, you can PIN forecasted activities to prevent them from being removed, and tell Xert that you want to do those rides so Xert should plan around them instead. Step by step instructions for that in this forum thread.

All that said, we do have a nice UI update that will make it more clear which activities are going to be cleared when you Adapt, as well as allowing you to pin them before they’re removed.




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Yep that worked. Thank you