I have a tired status
My forecast AI gives me a hiit tomorrow.
In training tab the recommended workout is low intensity recuperation.
Which one should I follow and is this normal to have such differences?
Thank you
I suggest you include screenshots showing that you think is contradictionary. Note that the freshness status is not for a date, but a specific time. So you can be red in the morning, but blue when you are supposed to do the workout.
View the Planner and note the changing form gradient bar.
The recovery pattern will be from red (v. tired) to yellow (tired) to blue (fresh) to green (v. fresh) to brown (detraining). .
This is easier to view on a desktop. On mobile you’ll need to scroll down day by day.
With an XFAi plan you won’t see brown until the plan ends.
Where you end up after an activity depends on the intensity and duration of the workout quantified by the ratio of low, high, and peak strain.
After a low strain workout form may go to yellow instead of red.
With a higher load form goes red immediately but can change to blue hours later without passing through yellow.
A high intensity effort or long duration moderate activity will drive you to red immediately and potentially remain yellow for 24 hours or more. This depends on your training load. The higher your load (status stars count = hours/week) the more strain you can handle and recover quicker.
Suggested LIT/HIT workouts on an XFAI plan reflect the time of day you normally workout.
Changing the start time of the workout can affect suggestions if you are on the cusp of changing form from tired to fresh.
For example, form calculation may have you at yellow at 10am when you normally work out but you decide to train at 4pm when form has gone to blue.