Bêta forecast

I ride indoor and outdoor solo and with buddies. I like the planning side of the beta and fixing goal with that method. However it isn’t that easy for le to stick to plan. I have understood that it adapts based on actual workouts be that indoor or outdoor. My question is does one have to update manually the planing and schedule of workouts or does this happen automatically? Today I did a longer and more intense ride than the one that was on schedule. Nothing changed for tomorrow. So I run the calculation again and it told me to just do endurance instead of HIT that was there before. Thank you

By “run the calculation again” do you mean the red dot was displayed and you selected Adapt Forecast?
The procedure is not automatic as you may be switching days of the week or otherwise balancing the weekly load on your own.

Thank you.

run the forecast AI beta again then once the calculation has been done schedule. I see that kind of Cristal ball icon and guess therefore that this is what I should use then, but changing the schedule is a manual operation not done automatically is that correct?

Correct. :+1:

Hi @Otium - welcome!

If you want to ‘plan’ around a specific ride/workout, then you can use the Pin feature to pin an activity/workout and then clicking Adapt Forecast will let Xert adjust your training around your planned activity. This can be helpful for incorporating things you enjoy into your training program like hard group rides, weekly time trials, or races.

Check out this thread for a How-To guide on adapting your forecast around planned activities.

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