Benefit from xert


I am an old guy at 60 whom due to healt not be able to cycle for some years and my fitness is started from very very low, but i now can go on bike for few hours and feel great enjoyment allready but i am sure a better fitness level will make it much more enjoyable, so i am looking at xert as an option to montitor and improve my fitness.

I have a wahoo kikr but i uses bkool as software for this, not swift as most here seams to do.

My bike computer is a wahoo elemt roam and i also have garmin fenix 7 watch

I have few bike and now got 1 set of pedals with powermeter and this is my first experience with powermeter,

I am in some dount if this platform makes much sense when not having powermeter on all bikes and not using switt as program for the home trainer, plase let ma know if i have reason to this doubt.

What are your cycling goals, now and in the future? Ex, general cycling fitness or preparing to compete at events.
What are you looking for that Bkool does not provide? Ex, advanced analytics and training guidance.
Are your power meter pedals for a road or mountain bike?
What type of bike do you ride the most?
How many hours/week do you currently ride? What is the most you might ride in the future?

While many users rely on Zwift for their virtual rides and indoor racing events (ZRL), any platform that syncs with Strava can simultaneously feed your activity data to Xert.
Xert analysis and guidance works for indoor, outdoor, and virtual SIM activities regardless of the FIT file source.
One benefit to Zwift is the ability to ride a Xert workout using the Xert workout player while you ride virtually in Zwift world. I don’t know if Bkool supports that but neither is required. You can watch whatever you wish while a workout runs on the Xert phone app. I typically watch Netflix or YT videos on a big screen while training indoors. For HIT workouts I monitor the power chart and rainbow gauge on the Session Player instead. If my big screen is turned on it’s more for background noise.

If the majority of your activities track power indoors on a smart trainer or outdoors with a power meter, you have the data required for Xert analysis. Rides without power can be analyzed as long as you track HR. To improve HRDM accuracy add a cadence sensor.

While you evaluate the Xert platform you should find my post for newbies of value –
Onboarding steps for Xert Trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum (

For now my target is just to get back to a resonable level of fitness and do 5-8 hours on bike a week plus cumute when i go to the office.

I want to use xert to plan and help me improve my fitness and hoped maybe to be able to send workout from xert to my headunit, but so far i only see this as an option on garmins. And i am still not sure if this makes so much sense with out powermeter. I have just purchased a set of garmin xc200 and plan to use those on road, gravel and mtb, depending on where it fits best depending on season and so on. So i will use spd on my road bike and guess in summer garmin pedals will go here

I use bkool from historicals reason and because i have it for very low cost