Audio cues in garmin Xert player?

I’m using the Xert player on my garmin edge 840. Should there be audio cues to mark intervals during training?
Right now I’m not hearing anything and sometimes miss intervals if I’m not watching the screen.


Tap screen and confirm it says “SOUND is ON”.
You should hear a beep with about 8 secs to go before next interval and double beep when interval starts.
You should also hear a beep if you press the Lap button on your Edge and tap SKIP or RESTART.

OTOH more features and easier-to-use if you run EBC on phone to run a workout.
Or do you prefer all your cycling activities originate on Garmin Connect?

Thanks for the feedback, I will do what you suggest on my next training.

I have no specific reason to run Xert on my Edge, I’m new to the whole Xert ecosystem and thought it would be the right thing to do. I’ll give the Android app a try.

Try both and see which you prefer to use. I switch back and forth on occasion but primarily rely on EBC to run workouts.
One difference is Garmin will connect to sensors by ANT+ and EBC by BLE.
That may factor in if you want to ride a SMART workout as designed while you roam around in virtual world with only power and HR connected to the virtual app by BLE.

Lately I’ve been running Xert Magic Buckets (XMB) on my 830 while the workout runs on EBC so I can see how XMB performs while completing the workout.
If I’m having trouble completing a HIT workout on EBC I’ll change to Slope mode and keep trying.
If I continue to fail the workout intervals I’ll switch to XMB to perform ad hoc intervals. The result is I can fill the low/high/peak bucket targets for the day even though I didn’t perform the workout to spec. This also shows you how you can use XMB outdoors to meet your XSS goal for the day without any workout loaded on the Garmin. :smiley:

Here’s an example activity with Target Power enabled so you can see the original workout profile along with where I failed and switched to Slope mode, then made up the high/peak difference on XMB. I accumulated some extra Low pts due to my double warm-up and extended cooldown.

When I do this type of workout I save the results on EBC and discard the Garmin recording.

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Awesome, thanks for this, there’s lots of stuff for me to explore.