ATA, Training Status and XSS mismatch

Note I wrote these questions on Monday, some of the data has changed but question is still relevant

My ATA said the following,

Your Training Status is Tired and should consider a Endurance workout or activity generating about 145 XSS of overall strain, with less than ◆ difficulty.

  1. My training status is “Tired” so it surprises me that it suggests i train myself to 145 XSS. Is 145 not that much?
  2. I have a training deficit of 52 XSS. I assume that means over the last 4 days or is it the last calendar week (Mon - Sun) I have not trained hard enough and the measure of that “lack” of trainig is 52?
  3. " based on your recent training history that includes activities and workouts performed on Mondays." Today is Monday. What is the significance of it saying “… that includes activities and workouts performed on Mondays”
  4. Bearing in mind it says “Your Training Status is Tired and should consider a Endurance workout or activity generating about 145 XSS of overall strain, with less than ◆ (1 star difficulty) difficulty.” why does “Suggest” button result in “Dance with Devil” which is a 3 star difficulty, “Very Challenging” (bear in mind I am “Tired”)


  1. Tired status = yellow → endurance level training; easy riding 45-60 XSS per hour, doesn’t need to be a defined workout. For example, 145 XSS easy = 2-1/2 to 3 hours outdoors at Z2 level effort.
  2. However, your deficit is 52 XSS to Noon position (neutral) on Training Pacer. That’s all you need do to maintain your current ramp rate setting. You could elect to ride for about an hour or change the duration filter and locate an hour long, one-diamond endurance workout. There are plenty to choose from in that range. Library selections over 2 hours are limited.
  3. XATA recognizes what you have ridden on same-day-of-week in the past and factors that into the recommendations. However, you are free to ride more or less depending on your schedule and what you prefer to do today. In this case endurance level strain is recommended ranging from 52 XSS (minimum required for ramp rate) to 145 XSS (what you have ridden in past).
  4. This is an example where past Mondays XSS-wise conflict with what the library contains (long endurance workouts > 2 hours). Autogen can be used to create a matching LIT workout or you can simply ride easy with 52-145 XSS in mind. For example, indoors I might ride Lucy in the Sky or Strength to Go On for 2 hours watching Netflix or YT videos. Outdoors I’ll select a route I’ve ridden in past at an easy pace with minimal climbs.

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