Adapt forecast (race ai) after every workout

As title, after nearly every completed workout (successful/green icon) I get the apart forecast dot.

Now usually if it’s you don’t have enough time, I ignore it and work round it / find the time, but more often than not the flag now seems to be too much X intensity to recover in time. Even though before starting the scheduled workout the planner was fine.

For example Saturday workout - I hit peak, high and low numbers perfectly, got a lovely green icon. Upload workout get the adapt forecast, yet it was the workout that was suggested to me to do that has now caused plan conflicts.

This is becoming a concern as I have a race in May and was on track but now after adapting the planner it says I won’t be ready even though I’ve hit all the workouts and followed the plan.

This has stopped me adapting the plan going forward but it does concern me that the forecast ai workout suggested and completed is actually hindering my progress.

Any thoughts would be great.

Are you new to Xert or did you take a break for a while? I’m kinda new to Xert, and when I first started uploading data the same thing happened to me. I think the data it had was just not accurate compared to my actual fitness / activity level. After doing more activities and uploading more data, it’s stopped highlighting the adapt forecast button for me.

The system may have started out computing your forecast based on some assumed / estimated data that was not accurate.

If you feel like you don’t need as much recovery, or can handle more training load, you can try adjusting some of the parameters in the settings - e.g. the recovery slider to allow for increased / more frequent training.

I’m having this issue as well. The red dot is almost ubiquitously there no matter what I do. I’ll do the suggested workout and get a perfect green circle and it will still appear.

So I’ve settled on just adapting once a week after I review the time constraints for the next week. Then if this week’s schedule looks ok I just ride with it and ignore the adapt.

I’m not sure all is ok under the hood with the adapt button though.

Are the broken constraints appearing in the week ahead or further down the road?
Are they availability constraints or something else?

Are the broken constraints appearing in the week ahead or further down the road? - yes the week ahead, but only after completing the suggested workout. If it’s a time constraint I ignore it as forecast usually sorts it self out but the over intensity is odd.

It’s quite peculiar, I adapt the forecast, all looks good, no warnings etc, complete a suggested workout as directed, get constraints, most of the time they’re too much intensity to recover.
I’m working around it but it is a little strange.