XSS Garmin vs. XSS Online

I had a thread with an XSS query the other day. I now have another, the same but different.
I had a real life outdoor spin today, aiming for an XSS of 180. I used the Garmin data field and ended the ride with an XSS of 184.
When I uploaded the ride to Xert online, it gave the activity an XSS rating of 223. Is this differential something that is just going to happen or should the two be the same or at least fairly close? Is it like the man with two watches who never knows the correct time?
If I had known I had possibly hit my target, I could have been at home, with a glass of beer, watching the end of La Strade Bianche, while my wife and kids were out of the house. There are important quality of life issue at stake here.

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Normally I don’t care too much about the difference for outdoor rides, while doing indoor workouts it normally fits perfectly. But today I also experierenced a significant difference: the weather was really bad, with heavy rain and as my Garmin said I achieved 176 XSS with a short, but intense ride (with a gold breakthrough), I decided to finish today. But when I checked XERT online it said I only have 147 XSS intead of the 160 XSS that I was advised me to train today. Bummer!

That’s probably nothing to do with a difference between Garmin and Xert online. It’s because of the breakthrough. The Garmin XSS was calculated with the old signature, the online XSS is calculated with the new (correct) signature and thus lower, since the signature went up.