XFAI Plan Cancelled itself

Just seeing if it’s only me with this issue or a broader problem??

Logged in today to check XSS prescription and my XFAI plan was gone and I was now on 120 day plan.

Went through the set-up again, but now getting off workout recommendations.

E.g. target for today is 79 xss low intensity. Recommended workouts are all active recovery around 24 xss despite blue status. Freshness feedback is set to 0. They have a Red Cross so not ‘suitable’ but are still the top.

Lastly “no targeted event forecast” text but there is one in place.

Looks like some type of cross-linked plan.
Did you file a support request with support@xertonline.com to resolve it?

Not yet, conscious it’s a beta I always think maybe a bug somewhere has reared up and they’re on it already.

Will do now

We have seen this happen but have not been able to reproduce. Kindly send it to support and try and recall the details of what you did and happened. Thank you.

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Thanks, just sent it through to support.

Most likely cause was hitting “add profile” but didn’t complete the action.

Secondary possibility (forgot to mention in support email) I was in program tab looking at how much extra TL would be needed to get “2” readiness instead of “3” after seeing you could do that here on the forum. But swapped the slider back and exited program.

In both cases I am confident the issues only arose when I next logged in.